Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Welcome to the Blog for Stephanie's Hope Scholarship Fund!

This fund was created in the hopes of furthering Stephanie's passion for Missions. It was a vision given by God & followed through by the obedience that we should all have for our Father.

The video below describes a bit about the person Stephanie Frazier was. Only so many words can be put in a short time - if we really got to talking about her, it would have lasted much longer with many more faces. But the video will describe what the hope of the Fund is & a little bit of how it will work.

Just to add a little bit more about Stephanie - if anyone knew her personally, they knew the passion she had for Jesus & for His movement in this world. That's why she felt such a need for missions - to spread the word all over! Stephanie was the most giving person, ready to give literally the clothes off of her back. When she went on her mission trip, she came home with empty suitcases from giving everything she took with her to the people she had met.

Stephanie leaves behind her children whom she so greatly adored. Amber, Nina, Rollie & Ryan, as well as her "bonus" children that she loved as her own. The stars in Stephanie's eyes were also for her grandchildren, D'naja, Ananda, Rollie & the newest member that Stephanie got to see before she left this world, Sophia.

Stephanie also left behind 2 sisters (Selena & Teresa), 2 brothers (Juan & Carolos) as well as her mother (Stella). She loved her nieces like her own children as well & loved to be able to spend time with them on any visit she could.

As this Scholarship Fund moves & grows, you will see many pictures & stories of who Stephanie was & we're hoping to put stories & pictures of the lives this fund will touch.

Stephanie's Dream of touching people & sharing the Word of God across this world is going to continue to live on through people that have the same passion for missions. We are excited to see where this all leads & how God will work through it.